I don't know about you, but I'm a wee bit off since getting back to work after the lovely long weekend. I got THE COLD. My sinuses hate me right now and are showing their displeasure by causing my back teeth to ache, ugg.
It must have been the cold that had me fleeing my moronic co-workers at lunch. They are not really morons,its just that today I could not humor the retarded small talk amongst people who have nothing more in common but the free lunch they scored due to a last minute meeting snafu.
It was this mood, this empty tank feeling that lead me to reschedule my meeting with our design/contractors. Because if I went to that meeting today, I would have agreed to their suggestions just to get the meeting over with. This approach would have no undoubtedly doubled the estimate. So my proactive self moved the meeting to Thursday whenst I hope to be more excited about picking shower tiles.
Hmmm. Your co-workers must be my clients. Hang in there.
I feel your pain. Sometimes the inane chatter of Joe Co-worker is like a cheese grater applied to the back of your neck. It's too bad it's not professionally acceptable to scream "Shut up, you gossiping nincompoops!"
Way too bad.
Hey Leslie,
Don't be too hard on your co workers. Everybody is just trying cope. Some do it better than others. The trick is to find coping methods that are positive. That's what I've figured out and it sorta works. The tile thing could go any way. It seems that the natural stones are in. There are lots of choices in your house style. I like plain with just a little accent. My glass shower door was beautiful and handy, but hard to clean. The new bathtub with shower curtain was too shallow and water splashed out. Now here at TP I'm just glad to have a shower. You'll feel the same before you're done. Don't forget a nice exhaust fan. I'd splurge on that to keep things dry. Terry put a little bench in the shower. I think "Edward" (before he's done he'll be part of the family) may have not insulated that inside wall so it was noisy when the water ran. That was getting too in depth for me, but there were new noises with the new shower. Hang in there. Love, Ma
Sorry to hear you are feeling bad - hope the cold goes away soon.
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