Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Here's our little fireman. Who knew a fire-fighter would be so appropriate this year? We tried to get the dalmatian in the photo too but he had other ideas.

Here's our new puppy.

The boys went trick or treating this year. Andrew wasn't quite sure about the whole thing and was a bit apprehensive at knocking on doors, but once we were home and he realized he could eat the candy he started to get excited about this whole Halloween idea.

On Friday evening we went to Kindercare's Halloween party. Andrew was a bit disconcerted at seeing all of the grown ups at his school and seeing everyone in costume. Each classroom had different activities for the kids to do and he loosened up a bit in the cookie decorating room. While we were in a room chatting with his teachers, a grown up dressed as Shrek appeared in the doorway and yelled boo! Andrew just about leaped out of his skin - I've never seen him so scared in his life! We left post haste. He's still recovering from the episode and asks to be carried too and from his classroom because "its too scary". I really hope next year is a little less traumatizing.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

In praise of micro-suade

Two nights ago, we spilled an entire glass of red wine on our couch. We wiped it with a damp dish towel and let it dry. Today there is no stain or any evidence of the spill - I am deeply impressed with that stain fighting capability. I wonder if they make micro-suade carpet too?

Owen 7 Months

Owen is growing fast! Here are the latest statistics:
  • Weight: 20.13 pounds - 85%
  • Height: 28.75 inches - 95%
  • Head cir.: 17.50 inches - 60%
Owen is a bruiser. He's big and strong and loves to climb up on things. He really loves to get right in there and play with Andrew. Owen is on the go at all times and you really can't let him out of your sight for a moment. He is very curious and really likes to explore and discover things. This has caused him to take a few tumbles lately, mostly bonking his head on things. I've had to step up the safety measures around here. I've had to baby-proof the baby.

Owen is crawling around very well and is pulling himself up to standing. Since he's so mobile, I thought the crib would be the safest place for him while I gave Andrew a bath, boy was I wrong. I caught him standing up! He could have just launched himself right over the side. We will be lowering the crib mattress today. Since he's already pulling himself up to standing his pediatrician is predicting he'll walk by 9 months.

Owen has started to talk to us and he's just about to say da-da. He's still super happy and smiley. He's going to be a dalmatian for Halloween.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Blogio Silence

Sorry for the blogio silence. It's just been me and the boys since Monday, Eric's been in Phoenix at a conference. Between having to wrangle the boys by myself and the city burning, I've been a slacking on my blogging. Everyone is fine, the closest fire is about 7 miles away, but it's a bit scary. We don't live in an extremely high risk area but our neighborhood does run up against open space. I wasn't so much worried that existing fires would make it to us, but rather a new one could start close to the house. And if it did, who would put it out? The fire department is stretched a bit thin right now. But as of today the weather seems to be turning and the fires are starting to be contained.

Now that Eric is home and able to spell me a bit I'll be back to my usual posting frequency. Stay tuned for an exciting Owen update, I'm just back from the pediatrician and have his latest stats!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I'm back from the salon - its not quite what I wanted but it looks ok, and I think it will dry a lot faster than my old cut. I think my salon has been sucked into the Posh orbit and all short hair cuts are coming out a bit wedgy.

Snack time

Here's Andrew in an exciting display of independence.


I'm going to get my hair cut short today because I'd rather spend those twenty minutes sleeping than blow drying and flat ironing my hair. Oh, my hair is really dry and is breaking a lot too. (I wonder why?). If it goes really bad maybe my friends at Tangles can help!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Our rhythmic gymnist

A little Rhythmic Gymnastics anyone?

Beginning my routine

Back across the floor

Here's my big move

Hope nobody notices this

Happy with the score

Never so happy to see 5:00 am

Owen has done it for real. He slept and stayed in the Pack-n-Play from 9:00pm to 5:00am. That means we got our first night of uninterupted sleep in months!

Monday, October 08, 2007


I think we have a problem...

Yup, Andrew's up to three passies at a time - we're all very concerned.

Does this reduce our carbon footprint?

I don't know, but these reusable grocery bags from Trader Joe's are so stylish that I am off paper and plastic bags forever (except when I forget these at home, like I did tonight. I must make sure to put them IN the car before I go grocery shopping).

Not wanting to jinx anything, but...


(Andrew woke up - must have been a bad dream. He was a little hysterical for about 10 minutes, but then fell back to sleep. Andrew's crying woke up Owen, but Owen did fall back to sleep pretty easily so I am totally calling that sleeping through the night.)


Owen is crawling! Properly up on his hands and feet.

UPDATE: I meant "...on his hands and knees." Crawling on your feet is not proper at all!

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