Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring Break fun!

Spring Break fun!, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

No matter how busy we get - we always need to leave time for some fun at the park!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Catching up

Over a month since the last post!  We've got a few things to catch up on and cover.  All of these deserve their own post, and as soon as I find my camera, and appropriate cords, I'll get my pictures and posts up!   Getting back into the posting routine takes me a little time - here's a quick run-down of what's been going on here: 

 - Andrew turned 7
 - Owen turned 5
 - Andrew ran 3 miles in his Jog-a-thon
 - Hosted two separate birthday parties
 - Owen's Shabbat Star Day
 - Leslie and Eric went to Phoenix for a dear friend's wedding
 - Three weeks of Spring Break
 - The Easter bunny came
 - Andrew has another loose tooth!
 - Friend's birthday parties
 - Sold our house
 - Moved to new apartment
 - Leslie turned 39
 - My brother got married!

Phew!  We survived one of the busiest seasons of our lives.  I'm looking forward to getting back into our happy little routine.

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