Thursday, November 01, 2007


What's NaBloPoMo you say? Why, its National Blog Posting Month! Everyday in the month of November I'll be posting to the blog. Posting every day will require me to DOUBLE the number of posts I have done when at my most prolific. This will be a stretch for me. But since you've stuck with me with the random hair cut postings, I promise that they can't get much worse or boring.

I signed up to do this about a month ago and have a couple ideas for regular features, but I won't share them yet in case I can't quite get my act together. So the only public proclamation I am making is that you will see at least 1 post per day for the next 30 days. Ok, I'll share one.

Here's my link of the day:

If you're like me, looking for things to decorate your house with is way less stressful that actually having to make a decision and shell out cash for something. I like CasaSugar because several times a day it updates with decorating ideas and often will give me links to even cooler home decorating sites. Fun Stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Nov. 2, I am looking forward to to the blog of the day...

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