Friday, November 02, 2007

Et Tu Jeno's Pizza Rolls?

It may say something about my parenting style that with all of the children's product safety recalls going on, you know, those headlines confirming that every toy your child owns comes from China and oh, they're covered in brain damaging lead paint, and I think "did that toy have paint? I can't tell because my mouthy child has already licked it off.", and all the headlines about recent food recalls, the item that has moved me to post is the E. coli scare with Jeno's Pizza Rolls. That just hit too close to home.

Oh, Jeno's Pizza Roll. You hot pepperoni filled bite-sized bit of pizza heaven. That first bite always burned the roof of my mouth, but I loved you anyway.

I lived on Jeno's Pizza Rolls in jr. high and high school. Didn't everyone? I would consistenly ruin my appetite for dinner by eating an entire box at about 4pm - because really who can wait until 7pm for dinner? Had this E. coli recall happened in 1987 I would have been screwed because the rolls would have been long gone. And I probably wouldn't have heard about it since we didn't have the interweb back then to tell me important things like this.

I'm not really too worried about the recall because I don't think I've had a roll in 10 years, but if Stouffer's Lasagne issues a recall I'm in trouble.

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