Friday, November 30, 2007
I know that there are at least 300 people who travelled with us to Dallas that really appreciated that I choose to breastfeed Owen on the flights - in public.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Renovation Party
Andrew 32 Months
He is talking a lot now, and is saying things like:
"Look at me!"
"Mama, you put Owen down now?"
"Mama, you come too?"
"I want to go on an adventure!"
"I'm scared of pirates."
"It's too spicy."
At school he is beginning to defend himself against things like sharing by hitting his friends. Today he had a time out for it at Kindercare. We're not sure what to do about this behavior other than talk to him about it and stop it from happening at home. I really hope this is something he will out grow soon when there are just a few more synaptic connections in his little noggin. At home we catch him pushing Owen because he has come too close to one of his trains, and Andrew immediately gets a time out for that behavior. I've bought a kitchen timer so now he waits for the bell before he can get out of time-out.
Andrew was awesome on our trip to Texas. He was so cooperative and good when we were in the airports and airplanes long after you would expect a toddler to hold it together. Around his big extended family he did great too. He did his usual "I need just 20 minutes to get the lay of the land and then watch out!". He played so well with his second cousin Addison. He loved the playroom at Jim and Maurine's house so much that we may just convert our guest room into the boy's play room sooner rather than later.
Andrew at 2 and 3/4 is such a joy when we see how much he knows and what a great little person he is, and just a trial when things don't go his way. He is still employing the "crumple to the ground and cry" when bad things happen like when his yogurt is touching his grapes.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
It's not even December yet
1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
2. Shrek the Halls
3. Merry Christmas Charlie Brown
What do we have to look forward too?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It must have been the cold that had me fleeing my moronic co-workers at lunch. They are not really morons,its just that today I could not humor the retarded small talk amongst people who have nothing more in common but the free lunch they scored due to a last minute meeting snafu.
It was this mood, this empty tank feeling that lead me to reschedule my meeting with our design/contractors. Because if I went to that meeting today, I would have agreed to their suggestions just to get the meeting over with. This approach would have no undoubtedly doubled the estimate. So my proactive self moved the meeting to Thursday whenst I hope to be more excited about picking shower tiles.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Comfort food
Meeting with the contractor tomorrow for the estimate on the bathroom remodel - I am hoping its within our budget!
Thanksgiving post showed up a few posts below.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The last placeholder post
We had a wonderful time in Texas and we are so very thankful we have such a warm, inviting and fun place to be at Thanksgiving.
Here is Eric during the 45 minutes it took for our luggage to disembark from the plane in Dallas
Texas Motor Speedway!!
It's way bigger than it looks in this picture
GeGe and Andrew playing "When Dolphins Attack"
Luckily other folks in the family took some great shots:
The boys were great on the flights. No crying, no wailing and lots of sleeping. The Dallas/Fort Worth airport is too big for its own good and they didn't have their A-game on this week. It took us two hours from the time our plane touched down to get out of the airport with our bags and rental car. Not good.
Eric had a conference call to do on Wednesday morning so me and the boys went shopping at the Grapevine Mills. By noon we were on our way to Wichita Falls. We arrived at about 3:30 in the afternoon and the girls went shopping, Maureen, Angela, Kelly and I picked up some last minute groceries then went to a cool home decorator store (and the name is escaping me right now). That night we were off to Garry's and Gracie's, for yummy food: enchiladas, tamales, yum.
Thanksgiving was filled with family and FOOD. Those rolls and the smoked turkey and the ham, then those mashed potatoes and the Stuffing. Then the desserts! The pumpkin shaped cookies, and the pecan cake, and the Chocolate cake with the chocolate dipped strawberries on top! YUM.Andrew has found his most favorite place on earth (next to Rachel and Roberts back yard) and that's Jim and Maureen's playroom. There were Cars! and Trains! and really that's all Andrew needs in this world to be happy. Andrew and I slept for hours after the feast.
Breakfast on Friday was at Uncle Joe's house - two words: Biscuits, gravy. We went to the mall and didn't really buy anything but it was fun to check it out. That afternoon we watched about 6 episodes of Man vs. Wild on the Discovery Channel. (Drinking your own pee is not cool.)
Friday night - Pizza!
Saturday we hung out and then headed home.
Great visit. Great family.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Everyone is a bit shot from the travel. Good night.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday
Dispatch from the most average city in America (Witchita Falls, Tx is at the median of most statistics collected by the US census. I'll send a link when I'm back on the big puter).
Hot: Bath and Body Works, Cinnabon, Best Buy
Weak: Dillards, Hollister (looks just like Abercrombe & Fitch), JC Penny
Didn't see a ton of people spending money at the mall. Definitely a smaller crowd than two years ago.
We tried to get a picture of Owen with Santa today - he no like it so we'll try again another time.
Biscuits and gravy is my new favorite food.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! We ate a lot of food and slept. Andrew took a three hour nap and I took a two hour nap. Eric and I were able to escape tonight - plenty of people to watch the kids. I wanted to get a cocktail. Note to self -places are not open in the evening on Thanksgiving - except Sonic Burger. We came home home after a nice tour of Witchita Falls.
I have not taken any pictures yet.
I just entered this post in MoBoPoAt- Most Boring Post Of All Time.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wednesday night
Its 10:30pm central time but it might as well be pacific time because it feels way past my bedtime. We spent the morning in Dallas, did a little shopping then drove to Witchita Falls. The drive to Witchita Falls is a straight shot on a 4 lane highway. Not too much to see along the way. Texas drivers are different from California drivers. Every one was driving the speed limit. No one was driving faster than 70 mph - if we were doing a similar drive in CA, no one would be driving below 80. Interesting.
(I'm posting from the blackberry and typing is painfully slow.).
We had a Mexican feast tonight with most of the extended family at Garry's house.
More tomorrow - good night.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Holiday Travel
The amount of stuff we need to travel with right now is a bit overwhelming. Double stroller, two car seats, two bags filled with clothes and such. Getting through security with stroller, a car seat, a carry on bag with a laptop and DVD player, a baby and a two year old is not fun: "Ok, you hold onto Andrew, I'll make sure the laptop makes it through", "Hey, keep an eye on the stroller." "Really Mr. TSA Man, I have to take my baby's shoes off?", "Andrew, no jumping in line!"
On our last flight, the moment we walked onto the plane Andrew started screaming "I no like the plane, I no like the plane" over and over and continued for about twenty minutes. He did eventually stop - thankfully.
Ugg, I'm starting to get stressed about it right now. It will be fine, right?
Posts will probably be short for the next few days. I'll take lots of pictures, but probably won't post any until this weekend.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Parenting at its finest
Andrew began to get a cold late last week. By Friday he was coughing quite a bit.
Have I told you that I love our Kindercare? Our Kindercare seems to go out of their way to do really fun activities for the kids and the parents. Friday night, Kindercare hosted a parent's night out. They stayed open from 6:30 to 9:30 pm to give parents an opportunity to go out without the kids.
Have I told you that before Friday, it had been months since Eric and I went out on a date?
Remember when I was telling you about how Andrew was sick on Friday?
At four pm on Friday when I picked up the boys, as I walked in the door the center director told me Andrew was having a bit of a rough day but he could still come to parents night out.
What should I do? How could I not stay home with Andrew? He's so little, and feels crappy and when you're little and feel crappy, you kinda just want to hang out on the couch all bundled up with your mom close by. On the flip side, how could I not take advantage of a long overdue night out with my hubby and good friends? Eric and I need to keep our marriage our priority and have fun and adult interaction too.
In the end, I decided that Andrew was going to be fine, and that night he was either going to watch a movie at Kindercare or at our house. I felt and feel conflicted about the whole thing. But no harm no foul right?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday night
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Under the wire
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Honeymoon's Over
Our waterheater is making awful noises. I'll be calling our plumber today.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Home Improvement
The weekend after we crossed Long Beach off of our list, we drove around Irvine and looked a new construction neighborhood right by UCI. I wanted to look because I love looking at the model homes that are built to sell the homes that haven’t actually been built yet. I thought that new construction would be much more expensive than older homes, because, you know, they're new. Well, not always so! We checked out the models, loved the location, made the quick calculation that we should go for the three bedroom vs. the two bedroom and made an offer the next day! We moved in five months later, almost one year to the day of our wedding - aawww.
With a new home, everything is well new, so there really are few of the hassles that come with home ownership. Nothing is broken, nor will break for a while. We really just had to decorate and put up bookshelves and such after we moved in.
One afternoon after a lovely trip to IKEA, Eric started to install a shelf that would double as a small desk in our guest bedroom. Since the shelf needed to be pretty sturdy, at least strong enough to hold a laptop, and stand up to some regular use, solid installation was important. Unexpectedly, there was trouble finding the studs, and some trouble getting the shelf straight and some stripped screws, and some holes in the wall and some cursing, then some more cursing... at first was kind of funny, then I offered to help, then I realized staying out of the way was the way to help, then I was starting to get annoyed, I heard more frustration from upstairs, and I couldn't believe that a little shelf was causing all this ANGST, and I was starting to get agitated and my blood pressure was going up and finally I just yelled to Eric "STOP OVERREACTING!!!". Silence.
What happened next could have gone a lot of different ways, but we both starting laughing because, you know, I was the one who had clearly overreacted.
We learned a lot that day. Mostly importantly we learned that Eric and I are not people who enjoy home improvement activities. That is why someone else will be designing and installing our new bathroom shower, tub and tile. And why I am SO FREAKIN' THANKFUL, we did not attempt a full home remodel in our first year of marriage.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Hot Stuff
It was 88 degrees here today. When I left work at 2:00, my car was 100 degrees when I got in it. I was sweating on the way home from work - yuck. It's way too hot for November.

I think a trip to Santa Cruz is long over due.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Next project
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Weekend's Top Ten
- Finished the laundry
- Washed the Prius
- Enjoyed the wintery weather
- Andrew took a four hour nap
- Leslie took a three hour nap
- The bike ride through Irvine with the boys in the Chariot
- The drive to San Clemente and the walk on the pier
- Owen slept through the night
- Owen's new tooth
- Saw this license plate:
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Only in Orange County

Friday, November 09, 2007
In the red
The ticket was pretty much the low point in my week; a week in which this happened.
I'm just going to pay the fine. I don't think I have the cajones or energy to do this.
I'm going to save the story about the time I got two tickets in one day for another post, I'm rationing.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sleepy post
Here is a list of blogs that I really enjoy and get much inspiration from - except tonight, when I can't come up with a post.
Mighty Girl
Maybe I should have signed up for this instead:
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Bath time
1 white onion, fine dice
1.5 cups white wine
1/2 stick unsalted butter
+ 1 tbsp 5 tbsp AP flour (that's All Purpose flour - just took me a couple hours to figure that out)
4 oz shredded sharp cheddar
2 oz shredded pizza cheese blend
1-1.5 cups 2% milk
dash tabasco
dash worcestershire
S&P to taste
1) sweat onion in 1 tbsp butter until translucent
2) add wine and reduce until almost dry
3) add butter;
4) melt and add flour to make roux
5) cook roux slowly for 15 min
6) add milk and stir until all roux is absorbed
7) add cheese and simmer slowly until melted
8) add worcestershire and tabasco,
9) salt and pepper until nummy
10) strain and enjoy!
This sauce is super good on most things edible. I topped off my baked potato three times with the sauce. May explain why my pants are a wee bit tight.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Part time update
Things I’ve been doing now that I have all that extra free time:
- Working
- Laundry
- Dishes
- Cooking real food
- Dishes
- Cleaning the cat box
- Grocery shopping
- Picking up the boys before they get the early evening grump-grumps and hanging out with them before we’ve got to start the bed-time routine.
- Laundry
- Creating a less chaotic home-base for all my boys
Working my part time schedule is really working for the family and it seems to be working for the man, I mean job, too. I’ve had to stay late a few days (until 3:00 p.m. or so) and put in some time on the weekends (who schedules 7 a.m. Monday morning conference calls that require big fancy PowerPoint presentations? The head honchos in Minnesota that’s who. And us Californians get all defensive and don’t want to appear like slackers so we say, “7 a.m. Monday morning? Sure, no problem, we love to start work before the sun comes up.”)
Things are not quite as spic and span, organized and Martha-esqe as I’d like them to be but I think that’s to be expected for the next 18 years or so.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Great things about going to my brother's house
We went to Uncle Scott's house yesterday to hang out with the family. There was much eating and football watching. The camera was in the car (why I didn't grab it I do not know) so I don't have any great picks, but here are a few highlights:
- Andrew calls my brother Uncle Spot
- Sammie and Cassie love to play with Andrew and Owen, and the feeling is so very mutual
- The cheese sauce oh, the cheese sauce. He made the best.cheese.sause.ever.
- Watching the kids chase each other around and around in circles in the living room. The best entertainment really is free.
- Free cooking lessons. Let me tell you about how great a convection oven is because now I can. Did you know that if your roasting pan is a bit tight for two chickens, you can sit them up on their ends in the roasting rack and they will both fit nicely?
- Air conditioning. He lives in Palm Springs and it was 89 degrees yesterday. Isn't it like Fall or something already?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Link of the every few days
Maybe one day my blog will be 1. this focused and 2. this pretty.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Andrew 31 months
He did something the other day that I didn't think I'd see for oh, 10 more years at least. I asked him a question and he said: "huh?", just so bershon I couldn't believe it. Like a teenager who is just so over it all and can't believe his mom just asked him to go clean his room. And I laughed and laughed.
For the past couple of months Andrew and I have a little bedtime routine that I just have to write about so I don't forget. I usually take Andrew to bed and lie down with him for a few minutes. During that time we say our "nigh-nights". Andrew goes through his list of family and friends and says good-night to everyone. He starts with the names of his friends at school, then moves on to his teachers and finishes off with family, saying good night to each one. It's pretty darn cute.
Andrew has an imaginary alligator. He tells us so. And he's scared of it. There's no actual alligator, stuffed or otherwise (like his big tiger). It doesn't affected him too much, but sometimes in the morning he'll walk into our room and tell us about the alligator downstairs and want to come into bed with us.
Andrew has decided that he doesn't like swimming lessons anymore. The move to teacher-only classes did not go well. We tried three times to get him used to the idea that dad was going to stay out of the pool and he was going to stay in during the lesson, but he "no like that". He basically was hysterical during every lesson. That's no fun for anyone. After the lessons he would say "I don't want to cry at swimming lessons." We've decided to pull him out of formal swimming lessons for now and just play in our own pool until he's a bit older or until we can arrange for Regan and Andrew to be in the same class. He may go for that.
Potty training too is on hiatus. (No eye-rolling Grandparents.) We've talked with his teachers at school and since zero progress has been made in the past 5 months, we are going to give it a rest until the New Year. He's just not ready and has regressed to the point that he won't tell us anymore if he has to go, and he's not able to hold it for any length of time. So, we'll get through the holidays and travel, then start fresh in January.
Andrew is speaking very well now and is very understandable. He can count which is a leap from saying his numbers in the correct order. The his favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar and he counts the 1 apple, 2 pears, 3 plums, you know the rest. He loves his toy cars. Dad went to Phoenix and brought him back a small cast iron airplane which he thinks is the coolest.
Andrew at Lego Land. He loved the cities built out of legos. This is Washington D.C.
Friday, November 02, 2007
I could have saved $400
Et Tu Jeno's Pizza Rolls?
Oh, Jeno's Pizza Roll. You hot pepperoni filled bite-sized bit of pizza heaven. That first bite always burned the roof of my mouth, but I loved you anyway.
I lived on Jeno's Pizza Rolls in jr. high and high school. Didn't everyone? I would consistenly ruin my appetite for dinner by eating an entire box at about 4pm - because really who can wait until 7pm for dinner? Had this E. coli recall happened in 1987 I would have been screwed because the rolls would have been long gone. And I probably wouldn't have heard about it since we didn't have the interweb back then to tell me important things like this.
I'm not really too worried about the recall because I don't think I've had a roll in 10 years, but if Stouffer's Lasagne issues a recall I'm in trouble.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
I signed up to do this about a month ago and have a couple ideas for regular features, but I won't share them yet in case I can't quite get my act together. So the only public proclamation I am making is that you will see at least 1 post per day for the next 30 days. Ok, I'll share one.
Here's my link of the day:
If you're like me, looking for things to decorate your house with is way less stressful that actually having to make a decision and shell out cash for something. I like CasaSugar because several times a day it updates with decorating ideas and often will give me links to even cooler home decorating sites. Fun Stuff!