Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Check in

How are we doing on those resolutions?

Spin 3X per week -  Going great.  I did have to skip a class because of crowding, but I went to the gym instead so I'm totally counting that.

Complete 365 photo project - so far so good! Having a fun time with this one.

Enter 5 photo contests - Clickin' Moms, my favorite photography site, is having a contest with the theme of Love for February.  Totally entering that one.

Read 50 books - I spent a week picking out 50 books for the year.  You can now see my To-Read list in the side bar.  Maybe one will pique your interest?

Blog every day - so far so good.  This is one I'm a little nervous about, but if I count posting a photo, I'm good.

Watch 25 classic movies - This one Eric and I are doing together.  So far we've watched Casablanca and have a few Hitchcock movies in our queue. 

Host a dinner party - Working on the guest list!

Trips to Hawaii and Washington - Must get going on these - summer comes fast!

Make 5 photo albums - Not started, not surprised.

Learn enough French to get around France for a future family trip - Decided to remove this one.  I think we'll join a tour and not have to sweat the details.

Sell 1 photo - This is totally exciting, but I have no idea yet what this is going to look like.  So still forming this one.

How are you doing on your resolutions?

Favorite pics of the day


On a serious succulent binge these days

Getting closer to capturing this complicated little man

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

Love, love the reflection photo!

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