Sunday, June 01, 2008

Home 1

About three month's ago, when I was just emerging from my year long extreme sleep deprivation post Owen birth, I emailed two good friends to organize a girls-night-out for the premiere of Sex and the City.   I needed to get out of the house!  With my muddled sleepy brain and because of the many, many leaks of movie stills to all of the gossip websites I read during the production of the movie, I thought it opened months ago in March, but no, this weekend was it.  So with my premature email I looked like super proactive super planner when actually I was just confused! Winner!

Anyhoo, we had tickets to the 3:15 matinee and then ate dinner afterward at the Cheesecake Factory.   We had hoped get a table at the excellent Javier's but no food is worth a two hour wait.  

Eric was on his own from 2:00 - 8:30 pm.   Now, too often I find that when moms go out, the men who watch the kids will get extra credit for doing it on their own.  That's just crazy.  Men do not get extra credit for watching their children!  Ok, dismounting soapbox now.

I had no problem taking off for the duration of the day.   We had planned an early play date for Andrew to get good and tired to guarantee long napping while I was gone.  

I had such a great time last night because 1) I really love Sex and the City and the movie met all of my expectations and more, 2) I was with two great girlfriends 3) Mojitos are really tasty, 4) I was able to leave my boys (all three of them) knowing that they were all going to be just fine without me.  

When I got home, the best part of the night was waiting for me.  Andrew ran to the garage and yelled "Hi, Mama!" and Owen was peacefully sleeping upstairs.  Eric was lounging on the couch.  I sat down at the computer and launched a file "Open Me Leslie".  It was a little movie that Eric put together while I was gone.  It was super cute and created from photos that I thought weren't too great (or blog worthy), where the boys weren't smiling.  But he turned these photos into something special and really funny.  He added a Kung-fu movie sound track so the boys looked like they were getting ready for an epic battle of good vs. evil.  Genius!

Home - a place that's thinking about you (and making cute little videos for you) when you're gone!

Untitled from Leslie Capron on Vimeo


Jeanie said...

I agree. It is NOT babysitting when you are watching your own children!

Leslie said...

Yes, I've heard that too, that father's babysitting their kids!! Argh

Mara said...

HOME, what an interesting theme, I would have some issues with that one since sometimes I still think of the States as home. P.S. I couldn't see the video,it said it was private do we need a password, but I know how genius Eric and Jon are with making music match photos, I bet it's great.

Kelly said...

Wow- I am impressed that Eric made a video while watching two kids! I am glad that you had a fun time with friends!

Anonymous said...

Put this on youtube. Very cute video. G-Pa

Anonymous said...

I love their facial expressions and the musice is way cool! love it!

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