Monday, June 02, 2008

Home 2

Owen loves the tub, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Thinking about home invariably takes me back to my childhood. A memory that's stuck with me all this time is of bath time when I was old enough, maybe six or seven, to do it myself. I could fill up the tub, sit in a few inches of water and be trusted not to make an emergency out of it. The memory that sticks with me is that every night, during every bath I would wash my hair and I would get soap in my eyes. And each time it happened I would yell out to my mom: I GOT SOAP IN MY EYES! And each time my mom would come in and take a towel and wipe away the suds. She never seemed annoyed at this, like not again, my girl, please close your eyes when you're rinsing your hair! Now, I think I could have washed my hair and avoided the soap running down into my face, but I wanted her to come in and check on me. I wanted to be a big girl and take a bath by myself, but I also wanted to make sure someone was close by just in case I needed anything. And I think that's a big part of what makes a home. Its a place where you test yourself and there's always someone close by just in case.


Anonymous said...

We can't help you with the baths, but a kid cook book is on the way. That should be good for some video. G-PA and GeGe

Leslie said...

Absolutely! Thank you!

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