Saturday, May 24, 2008

Andrew 38 Months

Andrew May 2008, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

"Mom, I'm in the three's classroom now."
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, I go to the three's tomorrow"
"Yes, you do."

Why hello little boy! Do you know where my toddler Andrew is? Oh, I see, he's growing up, and he's you!

Andrew has made a fantastic transition to his new classroom. His first day was Monday and I was prepared to see a stressed little guy when I went to pick him up. How wrong I was. Monday afternoon the entire class was sitting on the floor in rapt attention to their teacher and her flash cards of the letter of the day. Andrew was sitting quietly and listening. Wow. Of the group of kids who moved up with him, it was reported by his teacher that he's made the best transition. I really think he was ready for a little more structure and a little less "free time" than what he was having in the two's classroom. Its amazing how much more a teacher can do when she doesn't have to potty train 15 kids!

As for potty training, the week before Andrew was still not making it through his nap without going pee. This week, he hasn't had a accident since Tuesday. I know that things change fast, but I am one relieved mama that it hasn't been too traumatic. I think this has gone well since he knows so many of the kids and he has many friends in the new room.

Andrews energy level has gone through the stratosphere. Lately, he enjoys running, jumping and finding rocks and throwing rocks and making loud noises. I think these are textbook three year old boy activities.

Eight months into my part time schedule I'm finally doing activities that I couldn't manage before. I had been just picking the boys up early, then doing errands (grocery shop, haircuts), or just coming home early with them. Now I have a few play dates a week so the boys get more play time with their friends, but in a bit calmer environment. This may end soon though because two of his friend's mom's are going to be going back to work after their maternity leaves soon. But I'm taking advantage while I can!

On days we don't visit friends, our routine includes going to the various parks in Irvine. Turtle Rock park has a batch of ducklings we've been checking on. This park is tops on our list too because it has a little creek that runs through it. Andrew especially likes throwing rocks into the creek and making big splashes.

Andrew's behavior has been really good lately. The time-outs have really slowed; he's been averaging one a week. I hope this streak continues.

He's having more fun with Owen these days. Its been a cool confluence of luck that Owen is a bit big and rough-and-tumble for his age while Andrew is somewhat more reserved. The two of them together are able to have fun doing really similar things. They like the same jungle gyms at the park and are pretty well matched during the wrestling sessions.

Andrew's also started a gardening project. We have a crop of carrots that have started to geminate in the back yard. He's having fun watering them and checking on them every day.

I wrote earlier this week about Andrew's eating habits. Well, it was a short lived victory. I just bribed him with a Skittle so he'd eat his yogurt. The yogurt, by the way, was already a compromise since he cried when I gave him his plate of lasagna and broccoli.

He still needs a good nap every day (three hours) to be manageable and a good boy. Which he really is 90% of the time. Right now we're paying for no nap. He's teary and irrational. But we know that after a good night's sleep he'll be his happy, energetic little self again.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

At school sometimes the parents have more trouble with transitions than the kids. You still need to be watchful and in tune, however.

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