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Location:Williams St,Tustin,United States
Monday was an awesome day. We played at the park for almost three hours, I took tons of pictures, had some impromptu baseball practice with Andrew and played 7 games of Candy Land. (I think I deserve an award for that last one!). The best part? The kids were wiped out and fell asleep at 8. Good day.
Here's a picture of Sarah that I tried to fix in Photoshop. She was really blue from all the reflected light from the blue slide - she looks better but still a little grey? We're learning how to fix skin tones this week in my class and I'm having fun practicing.
This was a fun moment on the way to school this morning. The dandelions were blooming big in the parking lot islands and the boys couldn't resist.
On the list of things I'm thankful for: time not to rush through the morning routine. Look at what I might have missed.
Another hot day in the OC! Owen had some fun in the back 40 with the hose. We almost melted at Andrew's baseball game today. I'm ready for some sweater weather!
Sarah's EEG results came back on Thursday completely normal. Good news.
We think Sarah is having Absence Seizures and this week she had an EEG to look at her brainwave activity.
Sarah was trooper during the hour long test. The test required Sarah to be still while awake, then fall asleep so the transition from awake to sleep could be recorded. I thought this was going to be impossible: have her fall asleep in a strange place, wearing a hat with 25 wires sticking out of it, and surrounded by strangers. But after about 10 minutes of resistance, she calmed down and did fall asleep. Getting up at 4am helped - fun!
We'll know the results of the test in about a week. If the diagnosis is confirmed, more than likely she'll outgrow them. She is not bothered by them at all, and is her happy busy self.
Location:E Coast Pkwy,,Singapore
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