Halloween weekend was a blast. We started off Friday night at our church's annual Harvest Carnival. Note to event organizers, what's with the mimes and big scarecrows on giant stilts? Andrew nearly had a heart attack!

Note the "relaxed" expression. He was ready to go five minutes after the mime.
Thank goodness there were other fun things to distract him. I wasn't sure how this rollercoaster was going to go.

But it went great!

Sarah realizing that her brother's were on the rollercoaster and she was not.

Glow in the dark necklaces were had

And good food

On Sunday we went to our neighborhood's Halloween pot luck. There are no pictures, we were too busy keeping track of the kids, but we got a few shots of them in their costumes before.

Sarah was a bold trick or treater, she wanted to keep up with her brothers. I have a feeling this is going to be an ongoing trend with her.
Now we've got tons of candy in the house. We're doling it out a few pieces a day. What do you do? Let the kids gorge and be done with it fast, or ration it out so the sugar-high stays manageable?
How can it be November 2 already?!
Great pics. Love Sarah's "what the ?" look....
I hope you have a new hiding place for the candy. Watch for papers in the little bathroom...Not all candy is created equal...some should just disappear....Good luck
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