Thursday, November 04, 2010

Sarah Slide

Sarah Slide, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Monday was an awesome day. We played at the park for almost three hours, I took tons of pictures, had some impromptu baseball practice with Andrew and played 7 games of Candy Land. (I think I deserve an award for that last one!). The best part? The kids were wiped out and fell asleep at 8. Good day.

Here's a picture of Sarah that I tried to fix in Photoshop. She was really blue from all the reflected light from the blue slide - she looks better but still a little grey? We're learning how to fix skin tones this week in my class and I'm having fun practicing.


Hoffmom said...

seriously, that little cutie needs NO fixing - she's so adorable!! Let her be blue!!! (Hey... an idea for next year's Halloween costume ;)!)

Mara said...

Andrew looks just like Eric, WOW! I love Sarah's Halloween outfit, the boys look pretty scary. Mom(Jennifer) put the candy in small plastic baggies and put them in the freezer then she would get a bag out once a month and we would have halloween candy all year.

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