Sunday, January 06, 2008

Owen 9 Months

Doing the dishes, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Here we are doing the dishes. This is how we make dinner, vacuum and do most chores around the house. Owen continues his aversion to being put down. He can play by himself with his toys but sometimes he just does not want to be put down. So instead of fighting it, we go with it. The backpack works pretty well.

Owen is eating real food these days. Although he still gets a lot of his nutrition from cereal and baby food he can easily eat Cheerios, pancakes and the puffed stars. He is a master of the pincer grasp. He still really enjoys bananas and strawberries eaten through his handy food strainer. He finally will take a bottle from Eric or me with little trouble although he definitely prefers breastfeeding (however, he sometimes bites so I may be weening him soon!)

Owen is still in bed with us. He has not taken well to the crib and will cry, er scream, if we leave him in the crib for any period of time. He seems to have inherited Eric's Princess-and-the-Pea tendencies and objects to surfaces stiffer than our pillow-top mattress. But Owen is approaching one year, so we will begin the painful and noisy transition to independent sleeping this month.

I think he'll by walking by his birthday. He is cruising around the furniture with ease.

His disposition is very happy and curious. He loves to explore and has a supernatural ability to find little invisible (to the adult eye) choking hazards on our floors. He also loves to play with his big brother. We need to get a video camera because the other night when the three of us were in bed just before lights out Andrew was blowing raspberries on Owen's tummy and the two were just shrieking with laughter. I want to record those magical times so I can play them back when the going gets tough around here. I am really looking forward to more positive interactions between the boys. I think by this time next year they will be best friends.


Kelly said...

Love the idea of cooking with the baby backpack! We may be trying that one soon. Both boys are sweeties! I wish Caleb could get in on the fun more often! We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear of Owen's progress! He does seem like a sweetie pie.

Jeanie said...

Love the picture of you and Owen. You can certainly see the Capron in him! He is so cute! Well both of your little ones are too cute.

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