Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Break through
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Andrew 34 Months
Thank you 34 months for giving us a break. Andrew has mellowed a bit from last month. I think getting Andrew back on his regular schedule combined with effective discipline helped Andrew to manage his behavior much more successfully this month. I am so relieved. Thank you everyone for your valuable advice. It helped so much to have a couple of more tricks in my bag to help manage his behavior in a really positive way.
But life is funny (not ha-ha funny, but funny) as Owen is now soundly sleeping through the night, Andrew is now having a hard time going to bed. Andrew's least favorite activity is going to bed. Even after several stories at night and some good snuggle time before lights out he does not want to go to bed. He's talking a lot about spiders and monsters so I think he's scared to go to bed. I'm not sure where the fear is coming from, whether its the movies he's watching or if he's having bad dreams. Eric and I are committed to getting our bedroom back so we will be going though the crying with Andrew again. We will also be upgrading his nightlight.
Andrew is talking a lot! Here are some of thing things he's saying:
"Your name is Leslie?"
"Your name is Eric?"
"What's going to happen?!?!!"
"It's going to crash!!"
"I'm going to Disneyland"
"Oh, I spilled!"
"I need to check my email"
"Owen went pukey-pukey!!!
Yes, he speaks in exclamation points.
He can have conversations now too.
Andrew really loves riding his tricycle. If it not raining, we'll go for a spin around the neighborhood a couple of times a week.
We're still working on potty training. He's successful about once a week. If he goes in the potty, he gets a jelly-bean. If he goes a couple of days in a row, he gets Emily. I predicting potty training success around June.
34 months is better than 33 months, but we are ready for the next challenge!
Owen 10 Months continued
In other exciting Owen news, he is really getting ready to walk. He loves to play and walk with his push cart. He can also walk a few steps while one of us holds just one hand. I am reaffirming my prediction that he'll be walking by his first birthday. (Which, OMG, is just two months away!)
Owen is really bored with baby food. He displays an interest in our food that I don't remember seeing in Andrew. Now Owen usually gets some of our food at mealtime. He likes pizza, chicken Parmesan, fruit, rice & beans, bagels, frozen yogurt and sushi rice with soy sauce.
If I had to pick a favorite time of day for Owen it would be bath time. As soon as he hears the word "bath", I could put him at the bottom of the stairs and with excitement of a kid at Christmas, he would climb up each stair, crawl across the hallway and climb up and over the edge of the tub and plop right into the water. Not that he has ever done that. Ok, just one time he crawled over the edge of the tub and went head first right into the water. If I had to pick a really panic-inducing moment in parenting, it would be that time he did that. He's fine, I'm still not quite over it.
Now that Owen can cruise around with the push car, he is a little less insistent on being picked up, so that has been a really nice development for Eric and me.
He is a smiley and happy little guy. He likes a lot of interaction with people, but can now happily play with toys on his own (as long as those toys aren't too close to Andrew).
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Strong Genes
Friday, January 11, 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
More good stuff
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Owen 9 Months
Here we are doing the dishes. This is how we make dinner, vacuum and do most chores around the house. Owen continues his aversion to being put down. He can play by himself with his toys but sometimes he just does not want to be put down. So instead of fighting it, we go with it. The backpack works pretty well.
Owen is eating real food these days. Although he still gets a lot of his nutrition from cereal and baby food he can easily eat Cheerios, pancakes and the puffed stars. He is a master of the pincer grasp. He still really enjoys bananas and strawberries eaten through his handy food strainer. He finally will take a bottle from Eric or me with little trouble although he definitely prefers breastfeeding (however, he sometimes bites so I may be weening him soon!)
Owen is still in bed with us. He has not taken well to the crib and will cry, er scream, if we leave him in the crib for any period of time. He seems to have inherited Eric's Princess-and-the-Pea tendencies and objects to surfaces stiffer than our pillow-top mattress. But Owen is approaching one year, so we will begin the painful and noisy transition to independent sleeping this month.
I think he'll by walking by his birthday. He is cruising around the furniture with ease.
His disposition is very happy and curious. He loves to explore and has a supernatural ability to find little invisible (to the adult eye) choking hazards on our floors. He also loves to play with his big brother. We need to get a video camera because the other night when the three of us were in bed just before lights out Andrew was blowing raspberries on Owen's tummy and the two were just shrieking with laughter. I want to record those magical times so I can play them back when the going gets tough around here. I am really looking forward to more positive interactions between the boys. I think by this time next year they will be best friends.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Andrew 33 Months
Here are a few of Andrew's favorite phrases of the past month:
"No mama, no"
"I don't WANT to ____" (insert any activity here, especially horrifying ones like drinking milk)
"I don't LIKE IT"
"Don't kiss me mama"
"You put Owen down?!"
Here are some of his favorite holiday activities:
Pushing Owen
Pushing Mama
Pushing friends at school (it's gone from reactive pushing to preemptive pushing)
Not getting into his car seat
Earth shattering tantrums
Not eating dinner
Not going to sleep at night
As you can surmise from the above, Andrew's behavior has taken a nose-dive this month. He is asserting his independence, testing his limits and being an all around handful.
He's become very unpredictable; I'm now not sure how he will react in any situation and his reactions make no sense to me sometimes. Like this morning. It was about 6:30 and from his room I heard "mommy!" and I yelled from my semi-conscious state from my room, "come on in here". And he giggled and ran into the room and I pulled him into bed. Let's pause for a moment, at this point Andrew is totally happy and wants to get snuggly in bed. So cute. These moments just make your heart burst with love and make you all warm inside. Let's continue. I ask him, "wanna get toasty under the covers?", "yes mama!" he answered, I pulled up the cozy comforter over him. And this is when the scene starts to go bad. I had, apparently and inexplicably, pulled up the covers incorrectly. The switch had been flipped, Andrew was now crying, and I was frantically trying to correct the covers, taking them off, pulling them back up with varying degrees of coverage. Then Andrew starts kicking and then he kicks me in the face. Now, I really don't think he kicked me on purpose, he was mad and kicking and I was there. Nonetheless, I was done with this situation and left and asked Eric to take over. Eric was downstairs trying to have a moment of peace before we all woke up - poor Eric.
Andrew's hitting, yelling and defiance are hard to deal with. We've had to escalate the discipline. Giving Andrew a time-out really has stopped being a significant punishment and isn't stopping the bad behavior. Yelling at mom or dad or pushing anyone is not acceptable behavior ever and we are serious and quick to give Andrew consequences. Now Andrew is losing his toys when he behaves badly. Last night, Thomas and his Thomas book were put away. He'll get them back sometime today if he plays well with others.
Having to discipline Andrew (hourly it seems) has been hard on me because I miss my sweet, sweet baby boy. I know (because we've been reading, asking friends and talking to his teachers) that this is very normal behavior, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
I know a few things are contributing to the behavior. The big one is Owen. Owen is 9 months old but is still very high-need and I am carrying him a lot. Holding Owen doesn't let me hold Andrew and this is frustrating Andrew. The scene this morning probably would have been avoided if Owen wasn't in bed too.
Also Andrew has officially stopped using a passie. This was Andrew's primary soothing object. If Andrew was having a tantrum, giving him a passie was a good way to end the crying. Since we're not using the passie anymore his crying continues longer. He hasn't had one in over a week. (We lost the one we brought with us on our trip and we figured this was a good a time as any to finally move on from the passie).
On to the good stuff. Andrew is funny and becoming more and more articulate and is physically very coordinated. I will often hear giggling from Andrew and Owen in their car seats because Andrew is making Owen laugh. Usually by imitating Owen's vocal sounds or making funny faces. When we were in San Francisco and we were waiting for a cable-car (because by god, we were not going to leave S.F. without riding on a cable-car even if we had to hang on with one hand and dangle our sweet sweet babies out the side) I got down to Andrew's level to check in and ask if sees a cable-car yet and he asked me: "are you my conscience?", I did a serious double-take on that one. Turns out he had seen Pinocchio during the last parents night out. And last night Andrew started to use his push car like a scooter! Very coordinated that one.
So it's good, it's hard, but it's good.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
We are back safe and sound from our holiday road trip. I had big plans to blog and catch up but here we are at January 3rd and Eric's in San Francisco and I'm back at work and wrangling the kids so there's not alot of time to blog. I'm going to try to sneak some puter time in tonight and catch up on the latest; I've got an Owen and Andrew update to get posted.