Owen got to pick up his new baseball uniform last night and I think Andrew feels like he's missing out on the fun. Got to find a way to get him on the team!
Andrew is faithful in his love for Lego Star Wars. And I this is why I will never be a marketing genius: If someone said to me that Darth Vader and Storm Troopers on Valentines cards would be best sellers, I would have said you were crazy.
She's so ready to start something and play with the big boys. I'm waiting until she's four, then look out for the gymnastics and taekwondo pictures of Sarah in action!
No rest for our sporty Owen! He started baseball today! I almost pulled him out of baseball in favor of another spring season of basketball. I'm glad I didn't. Owen has a friend on the team and the coach is really nice. I think it's going to be a good season. (He's a Padre this year. He's wearing last year's uniform to practice).
We had the last practice of the season tonight. Owen had a blast and got reprimanded for not passing enough. I thought he would be upset that the coach had to talk to him about it, but nope, he was fine and kept on trying to shoot three pointers! Got to work on that whole 'teamwork' thing.
Last week Owen's PE Coach called him Kobe the whole period because he was wearing this jersey. He wore it tonight in hopes that his basketball coach would too. So cute. (He called him Owen).
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