Little League Opening Day was last Saturday. It's fun event with team pictures, snack bar lunches, speeches from local politicians, and a parade with all of the players. We just signed up Owen for baseball this season. Andrew decided that he was done with the sport. After three seasons we figured he'd given it a good try. We switched leagues this year to one that's a bit less competitive and hopefully a bit more fun and inclusive. There should be no crying in baseball, especially at this age! A huge bonus of the switch is that this league plays on our side of the city. Owen and Eric walked to the opening day festivities - so convenient!
Here are a few pictures from the day.
After uploading these pictures, I just couldn't believe how mature Owen is getting. My little snuggly baby is growing up! Wahhhhhh.
Owen does look so mature in the second picture down, growing so fast.
I'm with the kids - the best part of baseball are the treats!!! ;)
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