Friday, February 10, 2012

Back to our regular programming

I'm sitting in the van parked in the garage because the painters are still here and everything in the house is covered in plastic. (Hmmm, I wonder if I should just keep it this way and never have to clean again, tempting...).   Sarah is napping in her carseat, so I have a few moments of quiet before I pick up the boys. 

It's been another busy week, birthday party on Sunday night, two playdates on Monday (separate ones for Owen and Andrew and lots of driving), organizing the painters and picking carpet.  Another belt test is coming up, so no slacking on TaeKwonDo and we don't want to skip swimming because it was 80 degrees here yesterday.   (Ok winter, I'm ready when you are.  I bought some really cute boots for you and I'm sad they're getting dusty in my closet). And I joined a book club!  First book is Blessings of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel.  

My new photography class has started and it's all about LightRoom, a photo editing program.  If you see people in my flickr stream that you don't recognize, know that it's a picture for the class ; ).  

Here's a new favorite shot of Owen (in my favorite spot).  Owen is so fun-loving and gregarious, but he has a really sensitive side too.  I love it when I feel like I've captured it.  

Favorite spot

Sorry if these lists of my week are a bit boring, but I need to write this stuff down because sometimes I wake up on Saturday morning wondering what the heck I did all week.


Whitney said...

Cute pic! Your blog is really cute :)

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