Sarah was cracking me up this morning with her waffle. She loves them.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Of course we had a Dad-venture!
If you've got a few minutes (or an hour!) here are pictures from the weekend. I'm having a great time in manual mode on my camera, but it does slow me down sometimes. I thought I would switch back to auto mode this weekend and be able to capture more shots. I had mixed results. It worked ok in some situations, but it blew in others. I'm still trying to really master the camera, I'm making progress, but I've still got lots to learn.
Father's Day
Downtown Disney
Friday, June 18, 2010
Lovely Thursday
We are so excited to have friends in the neighborhood. We met Ian and his family at T-ball and found out they live right around the corner. Yesterday was our first "drop-off" play date and Ian came over without his parents. The kids had a blast, although by the end of it our house looked like a Toy R Us threw up all over it!
Beach days on a Thursday, play dates during the week; life is good.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Taking a break
This is the little boy who is going to start Kindergarten in July (he'll be at year round school). I just can't believe it!
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Gloomy Tuesday
Little pill bugs are serious business to these two:

Andrew getting a closer look:

Plenty of room here for the boys to go crazy:

Checking in on the snakes:


A nice pose for mom:

Good times.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Hair dragon
Owen Capron is officially potty trained! Aside from an accident at a BBQ over the weekend (I don't blame him too much because he was so excited to be at a friend's house and play), he's been dry. He even makes it though the night! I know we'll have a few accidents, but I am seeing the light at the end of the diaper tunnel!
Hair dragon above is Owen's potty training treat. He's wanted this toy for a while. I have to say that after going through potty training twice, bribes did not work for our kids. It was all up to Owen and no matter how much I tried to bribe, get mad, have naked days to encourage going on the potty, he wasn't going to do it until he was ready.
I'll remember this with Sarah - it will save a lot of frustration!