Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Andrew and the race car
Yesterday Andrew told us he liked three things:
1. Planes
2. Trains
That pretty much sums up life around here. Well, not really. That sums up Andrew's life. He is much too busy with the planes, trains and NASCAR to think much about Sarah (if you were wondering how he has reacted to her, I can honestly say that Andrew pretty much ignores her because he is much too involved in his own things. He DOES however like to play with Owen and they are so close that Andrew regularly insists that Owen accompany him to the bathroom - at least its not me anymore!). Our weekends now usually include an hour or two of watching the NASCAR Nationwide Series or the Sprint Cup Series (but never the Camping World truck series - crap, I think I'm now officially a redneck because I know the names of these races and have a favorite driver, anyhoo, where was I?) Yes, an hour or two of NASCAR, a trip down to the train station in San Juan Capistrano to watch the Surfliner train come by a time or two (after a stop at Pedro's tacos), and afternoon time on YouTube watching 474's take off and land. Lately too, we've been spending a lot of time at the pool. Both boys love the pool and we love it because it guarantees these boys go to sleep at bed time.
Andrew is just about to read. He is starting to recognize words and I think by the end of the year he'll be reading books on his own. Since Sarah arrived we've been much more strict with the routines around here - We start every night at 7:30: bath, books and bed time. With this routine, we're much more disciplined about reading to the boys every night.
We're seeing the good and the not so good of having siblings so close in age. Andrew and Owen can play together marvelously and enjoy each other's company, but they can also fight too. Our best weapon against the fighting is to take the boys outside and let them run around and give each other some space. Often after I pick the boys up from pre-school we stop by the park to let them run around more and get really good and tired.
As Andrew is maturing he's having more fun with kids other than Owen too. Yesterday he told me he was a new friend to the kids at swimming lessons. I can see now that he is enjoying other kids more. At swimming lessons, one boy was squirting Andrew with water from a toy and Andrew thought this was hilarious. Not so long ago, this would have had Andrew crying.
To sum up, Andrew's becoming a big boy and is less and less fearful about new things and new people, I have to say this is a fun and exciting time to be his mom!
Breakthrough - Andrew loving swimming lessons!
We're having a great summer. Andrew is really enjoying swimming lessons for the first time. He is making real progress with his skills and having a lot of fun.
On his first day, I think I was more nervous than Andrew was. I had lots of mom-worry thoughts in my head: was he going to even get in? would he throw a huge fit and scream the whole time? was he ever going to like swimming and if not, would Eric ever recover?
But, like most worries, none of these fears came to be. On the first day, he got into the pool and didn't participate. I still considered that a HUGE victory - 1. he was in the pool. 2 he was not crying. On the second day, he got right in there and listened to the teacher and went through all the exercises. He was so proud of himself when the lesson was over. He was smiling and so excited, he bounced all the way back to the car. I was so proud of him too.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Andrew vs. Food
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sarah is one month old!
Sarah is a month old. Boy do I wish that last month of pregnancy went by as fast as this month did! My maternity leave is now half over. - sniff.
Sarah is doing great. She still wakes up once a night and as you can see she is starting to smile. She's staying awake for longer periods of time, but still sleeps much of the day.
Did you know that one month old babies have the same witching hour as two and four year olds? So, if you ever want to catch me at my worst, call or come by around 5:30 pm any day of the week. Everyone melts down at the same time. Good times.
But we couldn't have gotten a more perfect little baby.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Owen update
Here's Owen on the way to school this morning. We had the sun roof open and he thought it was too bright so I gave him my sunglasses. He loves my sunglasses. (He also loves my shoes, and make-up too!)
Owen at two is a rambunctious, loving, non-stop little boy. He loves to run, jump and play very actively. He's just got to move all the time. If things around the house get a little dull, he'll even just run into the wall - disturbing behavior when I first saw him do it - but he just thinks is the funniest thing to run into a wall and fall down.
He's a very social little boy and prefers to play with other people around rather than play solo with toys.
His vocabulary is ramping up. He has a ton of words and is getting more and more understandable.
He loves his baby sister and is very interested in her, wants to hold her, thinks the faces she makes are funny. If she's crying, he'll walk over to her and try to make her feel better.
His personality is open and loving. He gets grumpy if he's tired or hungry, but really he is such a happy joy to have around.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Look - my eyes are open! Sarah Update.
Sarah is doing great! At a little over two weeks old, she's gaining weight, starting to have more alert times and most importantly ONLY WAKES UP ONCE A NIGHT! We have been blessed with another good sleeper. I think it has to do with her lovely chubbiness - a fat baby is a sleepy baby. We are falling into a bit of a routine around here. Eric drops off the boys at Kindercare in the morning, Sarah and I hang out and do a lot of feeding, napping, diaper changing, outfit changing, laundry, and pick up the boys in the afternoon. I swear, life with an infant somehow causes strange space/time changes and by the time I am finally showered and dressed its 4pm and time to get the boys. Where does the time go?
I posted a few more pictures of Sarah at our Flickr site.
Andrew and Owen updates coming soon...!