So things are finally falling into a routine around here - albeit a pretty crazy, sleep-deprived, verge of collapse kind of routine. And I haven't even gone back to work yet. God help me if my clients need me to travel anywhere soon. Afraid Leslie may just tell me to not bother coming back. Anyway, in reality, things are settling down. Sarah continues to be a dream, eating frequently and sleeping a ton. She easily surpassed her birth weight at her first doctor's appointment on Thursday (8 lbs 12 oz) and is right on track in terms of height and weight.
Her brothers have also been great and seem genuinely happy to have another kid in the mix. They've been great helpers with diaper changes, bath time and getting Sarah in and out of the car. The only hiccup is that we're seeing a little more sibling rivalry than we used to - which we're addressing with our own version of the Thunderdome. So far the guys seem pretty easily matched but I'll probably get in trouble for encouraging this after pumping them full of donuts this morning and watching Kung Fu Panda about 20 times. Probably time to sign them both up for the swim team and keep us moving to a bit more of a "constructive" routine.
P.S. Andrew was also pretty excited today about getting over his fear of fireworks. Yeah, that's right, right after kung-fu-wrestle-mania, we went a little safe and insane with poppers throughout the neighborhood. Next stop, the 'rez. Better watch out 4th of July weekend (see what happens without maternal supervision).
I like the helmets, keeps things pretty safe.
Cute pictures.
I am impressed by the organized garage! I am not an organized person, but I do appreciate that quality in others.
you could probably pick up a couple of spring-loaded bouncy seats on craigslist and really show 'em who runs bartertown
OMG! this is so funny. it looks like they are having a blast whacking each other with those noodles. Yep, the helmets are a good thing! Looks like you've got your hands full though.
Do you mean grandma supervison? You need to turn those boys loose on the ranch. They'd sleep after running around chasing rabbits etc. Love, Grandma Peters
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