Friday, December 07, 2007

They weren't kidding

Here's what I came home to today:

The bathroom is gone. Yesterday, I was so excited that the work was starting today, but I've run into a little snafu. I want a new shower head and valve trim (the thingy that turns the shower water on and off). I went to the Great Indoors after work and figured I could pick it up in two minutes because I knew what we wanted. We wanted this:

And I found it. But when I started to look for a matching valve, they didn't carry one that wasn't part of a larger set, or that didn't have the mechanism that let's you channel water to a shower or tub. Since it's just a shower, we didn't need the extra channel. After about 45 minutes of pacing 5 rows of plumbing fixtures, I left with just the shower head. I thought, I'll head over to Home Depot, they've got to have what I am looking for. Well they don't. Then I headed over to Lowes. I was running out of time, I needed to get the boys, and I was able to buy a kit with a shower head and a functional valve. I don't love it but it will do. Oh, did I mention that the plumbers are coming TOMORROW?! I went home, and talked to Eric about what I was able to get. And I realized that we don't want to do the bathroom again or touch it after its done so we better get what we like now. So, I bundled up the boys and brought out the big guns: Restoration Hardware. And there they were right on the wall, the fixtures that I wanted! BUT, if I wanted the shower-only valve I would have to special order it. Ugg. So here I am at 11:00 pm the night before the plumbers are coming with only half the fixtures that I want. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow - I guess we have two options. Go with what I have or wait and get the fixture I want. Stay tuned to find out what we do!


Anonymous said...

BTW, Sporto
I still have that jacket...

Anonymous said...

I have been in your shoes. I may not have looked half as cute, but I have so been there. I had researched faucets forever, as I tend to do. However, no one ever tells us about this whole valve thing, and how you need that to get set in the wall etc. I hope your situation resolves itself peacefully.
Truthfully, it would not qualify as a remodel UNLESS you have some of those sweaty, over caffinated, children whining while you pace the aisles, good times. Good Times.
I can't wait to tune in for more info. Call my support line any time.

Jeanie said...

Leslie, Have you ever showered with one of those shower heads? There may be different ones, but the one my friend has (that I had to use when ours was in repair) had very little water pressure and just felt like raindrops. I like a lot of pressure! Mike has rigged one up in our shower that has two shower heads pounding down on you. Kara likes it so well, she comes over frequently just to shower.

Leslie said...

Good point Jeanie. Eric's dad has a similar shower at his house and it seems to work pretty well. I hope ours does not suck.

Leslie said...

Thanks Rachel. I will need much support. And yes, I had a grande latte with me as I paced the aisles. Conveniently, The Great Indoors has a Starbucks on site. They know their customer.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are learning the remodeling issues...big guns little guns....whatever it takes. Don't lose the cat. Ma

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