Monday, July 09, 2007

The stars that go boom!

The fourth of July was such a welcome mid week holiday for us this year. We started the day at a local park, then after naps went to the Irvine city sponsored fireworks display at one of the high schools.

Here we are at the park and here I am actually IN a picture! Eric took over photographer duties that morning.

Andrew's checking out the scene before the fireworks. This picture is classic Andrew: hat, stickers on his arms and of course, the passie.

Chilling with the Kettle corn:

Regan and her parents came to the fireworks too! Here the kids are playing with the hula hoops.

"I wanna tell you a secret!"

Andrew was a little nervous once the fireworks started and said he wanted to go home. But after about five minutes he was into it. I think it helped to have his good friend Regan with him. He's been talking about the stars that go boom ever since.


Kelly said...

Owen's hair is starting to look more red- at least in the pics.

Is it in real life?

Mara said...

Love the picture with Leslie and the boys. I thought Regan was the same age as Andrew, I'm hoping she's older because she is definitely taller. Eric I hope you didn't put the Kettle Corn bag on your head this time or if you did hopefully you put it on the non sticky side this time. Rhonda likes the cold coffee's but I have never really been a coffee fan. I'll make you one when we visit. love mara

Leslie said...

Owen's hair is still pretty brown. I think the reddish color is just an artifact in the picture. Yes, Regan is taller, her parents are very tall too.

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