Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Andrew 41 Months (or thereabouts)

Which rock shall I pick?, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

"Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it..." I'm not sure who said that but if Eric and I don't learn soon about how nap time is non-negotiable with Andrew, we will never go on vacation again.

Exaggerating slightly there - Andrew was great on the trip (was a model child on the airplane for both flights), but the re-entry has been a bit rough. Today our drop off at Kindercare was full of tears and inconsolable wailing. His routine has been disrupted and he lets us all know that he's not happy about it. I think after a week on his normal schedule, he'll be back to his usual programming. Also, note to self Andrew prefers baths at night!

Andrew's newest interest is dinosaurs. Go Diego Go has a new dinosaur episode that we will be keeping on the TIVO indefinitely.

Andrew has become quite the conversationalist and will happily tell you all about going on a airplane, going to Hawaii, and finding sea turtles (aka hanu's). My mom visited a couple of weeks ago and he was the chattiest I'd ever heard him. I think he saves his best material for the grandparents.

His Kindercare experience is evolving from daycare to preschool. He's displaying a lot of pre-reading skills. He actively spells out words he sees and is very interested in words and books.

Andrew continues to be ACTIVE (I think I will be writing that sentence for as long as I blog). Our poor couch won't be able to take much of his rough treatment. He jumps on it constantly. He and Owen wrestle a lot. (Owen's classmates are not happy about this. I think Owen warms up on them before he faces Andrew every night). Although I'm glad they do "play" together, I can't leave them unsupervised for more than a moment. If I do, I inevitably hear shrieks of laughter disintegrate into tears.

Andrew seemed to enjoy Hawaii - his favorite time was in the sand bottomed kiddie pool at our hotel.  By the end of the week he was turning into quite a fish and fully submerging his head under the water (big break through).  We may take advantage of this development to get him back into swimming lessons before the summer is over.  One of his best friends is in gymnastics and I'll be signing Andrew up for the same class.  I think he'll really like all of the running, jumping and general "activeness" of it.  I'll enjoy the general "wearing out of the kid" of it.  

He's still a picky eater, but I've learned to sacrifice a quiet car ride home and withhold snacks to allow for more food-food to get into his system at dinner.  Telling him that if he wants to grow big he needs to eat is working too.  

A really fun things he does lately is to pretend he's different animals. Sometimes he's a dinosaur, or a tiger or a shark.  Whatever animal mode he's in that's how he likes to be addressed: "I'm the hanu, not Andrew!"

He's keeping us on our toes around here but he's so much fun.

1 comment:

GeGe said...

Yeah the growls are a bit hard to distinquish. All you have to do is ask and he makes it clear when you don't get it right. "Are you a lion?" "NO GEGE, I am a tiger".

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