Sunday, April 13, 2008

Andrew 36 Months

Andrew, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Andrew is three! I can't believe it. He is an amazing little boy.

He too had a very recent doctor's appointment, here are his stats:

Weight 30 pounds - 50th percentile
Height 34 3/4 inches - 5th percentile

We may indeed be following the Capron familial height pattern. We shall see. He also could be a late bloomer.

I've been delaying the Andrew update because there is just so much to say but I can't remember nearly a 10th of it all when I sit down to write. Here's what's top of mind now, but I may start to do more notes on the boys more frequently so I don't forget it all.

He seems to see the world in familial relationships. If something is small, it's the 'baby', if something is big it's the 'mommy' or 'daddy'. This can apply to anything, small cars, small flowers, small dogs, small pieces of food. Anything. He's also very interested in emotions. If someone on TV looks sad or is crying he says "it wants its mommy", cause that's what you want when you're sad, right?

Today he had a band aid on one of his fingers for the very first time ever. He took this very seriously and didn't use the hand with the band aid for several hours. (It was a very small scrape).

He still loves Thomas trains if you were wondering.

Eric has been gone during the week for several weeks now and Andrew is very aware that daddy goes to work on a plane so planes and going on planes have been the subject of a lot his conversations. Today Andrew said he was going to go to Singapore on a blue plane and then asked Eric and me if we wanted to come to. '"You want to come with me?" and we said "yes of course!". Then we asked if Owen could come too, and he hesitated for a second, but said "yes, Owen can come too, and Choppers." What a guy.

He is a very picky eater and I can rarely get him to eat his dinner. But I think that's ok and I don't fight it because he eats a lot during his days at preschool.

He knows all the letters of the alphabet and is beginning to recognize words- I think. We read a lot of the same books over and over (Smiley Shark and Say Hello to the Snowy Animals are favorites), so its hard to tell if he's just memorized when its the right time to say the word in the story or if he actually is recognizing the word.

His imaginative play is growing and he really like to act out little scenes with this toys - trains especially.

He is still a sensitive little guy and likes things in a predictable order. He's also very loving and cares for his friends. He has some good friends now which I think is just great.

He's a handful sometimes, he can still throw a tantrum with the best of them and so far three isn't shaping up to be any easier than two. He's unpredictable and irrational but I think all of these things are very age appropriate.

He's hard and frustrating, great and fun, perceptive and amazing and will always be the best thing that ever happened to us.

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

I heard someone say a few weeks ago that 'three is the new two'!

Love every minute of their childhood, it goes by fast.

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