Merry Christmas everyone.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Family picture
We took a familiar detour to San Juan Capistrano and Dana Point today. I uploaded way too many pictures, but I felt I had to fully record the day that Andrew started to like the beach.
There's a new photoset of the day on Flickr.Thursday, December 20, 2007
Desert Drive
On Sunday me and the boys went to visit Scott in Cathedral City for the last time, because this Sunday my brother, Sammie and Cassie are moving into their brand new house in Chandler, Arizona!
My brother just closed on his first new house! Horray!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Shower tiles
One week after demo and we have shower tiles installed. Men have been cutting tiles and installing over the last two days. Our tile guy stayed until 7:30 last night to finish the shower. I am amazed at the speed of this project. The look of the shower is hotel/spa like. I choose very neutral tile colors keeping in mind that we will be selling the house in the not too distant future. These will be easy to decorate around. The tiles go all the way up to the ceiling making the shower feel much bigger.
More remodel pictures are in a photo set on Flickr.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Things I've learned this week
Two year olds do not do what you ask them to when you are running late in the morning and need them to find their shoes
Andrew loves ketchup
Do not go shopping for Christmas gifts for your two year old while he is with you. He will not "forget" about the toy on the drive home, nor will he be distracted by movies or food; he will hound you until you cave and give it to him.
Its possible to function at work on 3 hours sleep
It's better to learn how to take the cover to your baby's car seat off before you have to extract the whole thing and put it in the shower to clean it after your baby pukes on it twice on the way home
Taking care of two kids by yourself is hard work
More pictures tomorrow! The remodel is going nicely. The tile is going on the shower - looks good!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sick day
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Out-takes II
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Crisis averted
Back to the shower drama. I texted (is that a real word?) my project manager this morning explaining my situation. (note: I am not a texter, but I wanted to reach him and it was 7:30 on a Saturday morning, and it is programmed into my DNA that you cannot call anyone before 10:00 am on a weekend.) He got right on the phone to call the plumber to see when he was arriving and if there would be time to pick up the required pieces. In the meantime, I scouted out the EXPO Design Center web site to see if they had what I needed. They did! I headed on down to Laguna Nigel (about 7 miles south of us) to be a EXPO door buster. I found what I needed but they were out of stock! Oh no! I asked if it was in stock at another store and yes, I was in luck the Anaheim store had it! I called my guy and told him I was heading inland (about 15 miles) and guess what, he used to work at that store, so he called ahead and verified that the part was there and asked them to put it on hold for me. And he told me that the plumber could come over in the afternoon after I picked up the parts. Major crisis averted. When I got to the Anaheim EXPO, my shower valve and trim were waiting for me. And this afternoon, the plumber arrived and installed the necessary pieces ahead of the tiling on Tuesday. We are still on schedule!
Friday, December 07, 2007
They weren't kidding
The bathroom is gone. Yesterday, I was so excited that the work was starting today, but I've run into a little snafu. I want a new shower head and valve trim (the thingy that turns the shower water on and off). I went to the Great Indoors after work and figured I could pick it up in two minutes because I knew what we wanted. We wanted this:

Can my interweb peeps help me?
Here's what I am struggling with: taking photos of the kids at night in my house when the ambiant light is just this side of crap-tastic. I have read one picture taking advice book and the one thing I learned is: DO NOT USE THE FLASH. Which was a revelation for me. Searching for natural light and using it has really improved my pictures of the kids. But what to do when there is no natural light? Night pictures of fast moving kids is a near impossibility without the flash. Are there things I can do with all of the nobs, dials and setting on my camera to make a better picture just using the light around me?
Thanks in advance. And if the answer is just suck it up and use the flash, that's cool too.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
We're doing it
First up: our master bathroom. Here's what we are going to do:
- New travertine tiles in the shower with built-in shampoo nook with new shower head and valves and frameless shower door
- New travertine tiles on the floor with 4 inch tile base boards
- New granite counter top
- New lighting sconces
- New medicine cabinet
- We are keeping the existing sinks, toilet and cabinets
- 12/7 Demo shower
- 12/8 Plumber (I'm surprised and happy they are coming on a Saturday!)
- 12/10 Hot mop (important step in the shower installation process)
- Week of 12/10 tile goes into the shower, counter top install and floor
- Week of 12/17 shower door installed (this is the slow piece in the project because it has to be special ordered) and done!
After we swallow this one, we'll proceed to the next. Which will most likely be the kitchen counter tops. The implicit thing in all of this is that we are going to be here for a while. Probably a couple more years, so we might as well make it nice and enjoy it!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Owen 8 Months
Andrew and Owen get into wrestling matches and roll around a lot. At Thanksgiving, Kelly and I put Owen and Caleb together to interact a bit, and Owen would start crying if Caleb touched him! It was funny that Owen's much larger brother can attack him and he loves it, but Caleb is "too scary"!
Just this morning, Owen is eating cereal. We've cut up Cheerios in half and he is just munching away. Full sized cereal is still too big for his little throat. And I fear choking above most things and I won't let anything full-sized near the baby.
Owen is now facing forward in his car seat. He's well over 20 pounds now. He has four teeth and is drooling all the time. I think he will have a full set by the time he's 1. Owen is still waking up at night, but it is getting better. We are going to start getting him to sleep in his and Andrew's bed room.
Owen's personality is very happy and smiley and super snuggly.