He prefers to sleep in someone's arms, like right now - I'm am getting good at doing things with one hand - like typing : ) Andrew could sleep forever in his bouncer seat - but Owen likes to be close, he may just prefer the extra body heat. Even at night he's close and sleeps in bed with us. This can be a little scary; more than once I've woken up panicked that I've rolled over on him.
Here I tried to create a comfy warm nest for Owen in his boppy and trick him into thinking he's being held - it worked for a good 20 minutes:
Owen's tummy is very sensitive. He spits up several times a day. We've learned that the high-pitched, glass-shattering cry means: "please burp me right now, my tummy hurts!". Poor little guy.
He's pretty strong baby and he's been lifting his head up since we brought him home, and he's been able to hold it up for longer and longer periods of time.
He's a pretty great little baby and super cute.
P.S. Owen spit up 3 times while I was typing this post!