I started this post last week, but never quite got around to finishing it. We took this picture last weekend and from the looks of it, I am actually having a basketball instead of a baby.
There is a lot to catch up on. I am officially back in the real world and no longer confined to the house. I went back to work three weeks ago. Aside from being pretty tired by the time Friday rolls around, I'm feeling really good. I think that taking a two month time out from life has hurt my stamina a bit. I am definately feeling more tired with this pregnancy than I did with Andrew.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is looking good. I passed the 1 hour gestational diabetes glucose challenge which is very good news. I also did the most important part of planning for birth - offically requested the Epidural!! I made sure my doctor wrote that down in my chart, and I will repeat this request everytime I see him (which is now every two weeks). My doctor is now treating this pregnancy as a normal one, he feels (and I feel it too) that we've made it through the most vulnerable part of the pregnancy safely, and now we are just waiting for the little guy to make his LONG awaited arrival. Just 76 more days to go. In fact, once I make it past 36 weeks, if labor starts, my doctor won't do anything to stop it.
I've got an ultrasound on Tuesday to check in on the kiddo. I am very excited, I haven't had one since November.
Aside from work, the next two projects I'll be focusing on are planning Andrew's second birthday party and choosing just the right minivan for the family.
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