Thursday, November 16, 2006

Out for another month

Our doctor called last night with his assessment of Tuesday's ultrasound. He said that things look about the same as last time and he is continuing to recommend reduced activity for another month.

In addition to looking at the hematoma, the ultrasound appointment included a very detailed anatomy scan that is typically done at about 20 weeks for most pregnancies. These ultrasound images have been sent to a perinatologist to review. (A perinatologist is a specialist in maternal/fetal health and has advanced training in diagnostic ultrasound imaging.) Our ultrasound tech is good at describing what she is seeing while she is looking at the baby and we already know that our little guy's anatomy looks great. He has 4 heart chambers, good heartrate, two kidneys, complete digestive tract, no marker for a cleft palette, complete brain anatomy, no evidence of spina bifida, umbilical cord is working properly, textbook growth rate, 10 fingers, 10 toes and 1 little boy part!

My next ultrasound will be in a month. This seems like a such a long time. It will be the longest I've gone without a peek at the little guy!


Anonymous said...

Les, Eric, Andrew, and cute little growing guy,
We're sending loys of love. We are looking forward to new news and pictures. Also, please let us know if we can do or send anything to help you pass the days!

Love, The Annons

Anonymous said...

Oops-that's LOTS of love, though LOYS of looveee, too. I suppose my fabulous spelling has to do with the hour and not enough coffee...

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