Sarah and I went to our second Vista Verde Thanksgiving feast yesterday. Remember Andrew's performance?
My baby!
It was Owen's turn yesterday. The three kinder classes sang songs then hosted a Thanksgiving Feast. We got there right on time, so we didn't get a great picture spot. Some parent must have camped out for awhile! Owen was right in the middle of the group.
He was so cute. He was waving and winking at me while everyone was getting situated on the stage. I got to join him when it was time to eat. He told me he was embarrassed when he was singing, but he sang and did all the hand signs. He did such a great job.
After the feast we had to get a picture with his awesome teacher, Ms. Larsen.
We went on our first family camping adventure a few weeks ago. Since this was our first time, we stacked the deck in our favor for it being a good time for everyone:
1. We stayed very close to home in case anyone freaked out and we need to abandon the plan
2. Separate tent for the kids
3. Inflatable mattresses - no crappy foam pad (I didn't say we roughed it!)
5. Built in fun time at the beach
6. Had friends over for dinner and ordered pizza (again, no roughing it here!)
7. Brought Eric's iPad so we could watch Breaking Bad after the kids went to bed
I guess it was more "bring your house to the beach" than "camping". But I'm all about baby steps! Maybe next year we'll actually go on a hike : ).
The kids help wash the car last week. They did a much better job of washing the street. But, isn't that what's being a kid all about? I loved playing with the hose when I was young.