Owen is just the cutest thing ever. He's lovey, and smart and full of energy. He's also Andrew's mimic. If Andrew says something Owen will say it too. Sometimes it's clear that Owen has no idea what Andrew meant, but that doesn't stop him from repeating it! If Andrew plays with something, Owen wants it too. Owen goes his own way in a few important areas though: Owen will eat anything you put in front of him and lots of it! His teachers call him "piggy" because he is always asking for more food at lunch and snack. Owen also prefers Diego to Dora, and has really attached to his blue blanket. I do not want to be around if we ever lose that blanket! Owen loves to take baths and loves the water. He's still young for swimming lessons (non- parent involved lessons), but we'll enroll him as soon as we can.

Beautiful pictures, beautiful family! I turned the computer on just in time for the updates, but have to run and get Henry. I will try and call later, but what are the chances I would actually get to have a decent conversation???? You must know all about it, since you have three amazing and busy children!
( I am so proud, because Oliver is reading this as I type it!!! Go kindergarten!)
Love, Rachel and her boys
Hi Owen,
You sure are getting big. Love, Grandma Peters
Thanks for the updates and photos, totally cute, I shared them with a women from Italy and she shared the pictures on her camera with me of her nieces and nephews. Personally I wouldn't do the vaccine shot, Arthur is always afraid with all of the tourist we get around here, but I'm not worried. Love ya'll
Shame on Owen's teachers! A healthy appetite is a good thing..
Have they tested this shot enough? Just got the flu shot at work, but not sure I want the swine flu shot. Will see what the doctors and nurses recommend.
Love the family picture on the park bench. That deserves a frame!
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