Andrew is exploring the joys of potty humor...I didn't know it happened so young! I'll spare you the details but he thinks nothing is funnier. As he rounds 4 and a half and heads toward 5 years old, his play has become much more complex. He's pretending and using his imagination a lot and it shows as he plays being a dinosaur, flying an airplane, or taking tickets on a train and its a lot more social. He's playing pretend games with his friends. Sometimes, I'll come and pick up Andrew and see him with his friends before he notices me and its hilarious to watch them chase each other around being dinosaurs. Or watching them all shoot each other. It seems that the boys at this age love the shooting games - every toy can somehow be transformed into a weapon - (hmmm, I maybe starting to regret letting him watch all the Star Wars movies....).
Andrew is still a very picky eater and right now I couldn't really tell you what he ate all weekend. I think I only actually saw him drink a few sippy cups of milk, and eat a cliff bar and a few strawberries!
Swimming lessons continue and he's really enjoying them. Some of his friends are now in soccer, t-ball, and golf and we'll choose another sport soon. Most likely we'll do soccer, but we'll see.
After a rough first year with ear infections and respiratory problems, Andrew has been really healthy (very tempted to delete that sentence as to not tempt fate....). We are praying that all the kids stay healthy and avoid the H1N1 virus. We are debating whether to get the vaccine or not - we probably will when its available.
Andrew and Owen are quite the twosome - they play and fight, but mostly prefer to be around each other than separate.