Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Big smile - Sarah 7 weeks

Big smile, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Sarah is seven weeks old! My god the time is flying by. She had a well baby check up today and here are the stats:

Weight - 12 lbs and 91 percentile
Height - 23 inches and 87 percentile

We've got another chub-chub baby here.

Sarah is doing great, she's sleeping and eating really well. This week she's started to coo and there have been many, many smiles.

She's starting to have much more awake time, but she's still a good night time sleeper.

We've been blessed with another pretty easy baby.

Sometimes I wonder why we deserve these three wonderful kids - how did we get so lucky?


Jennifer said...

Hi baby Sarah,
You have a new look all your own. Love, Grandma Peters

Tindy said...

You are so lucky. What a beautiful family!

Jeanie said...

What a cute smile Sarah!

Kelly said...

Have you tried playtex drop ins? Abby doesn't like bottles either, but she has taken that one twice now. Good Luck!

Beth Kaplan said...

You are two wonderful people and parents.....don't ever ask "why" - just enjoy

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