Saturday, September 01, 2007

Andrew 29 Months

En Fuego! Andrew has kicked things up a notch around here. He's louder and faster than ever. Sometimes in the car Andrew will just start making sounds like a train horn - whoo whoo, whoo whooo. Other times Andrew will speak in a really loud voice - just because he can.

He's got a few new favorite phrases:
"Its dark in there!". He likes to say this whenever a light is turned off and when we drive into the garage.

"Going through the tunnel!". He says this when we drive under overpasses, when he runs though our legs, and at playgrounds.

He's getting into counting things: 1 blankie, 1 car, 1 sippy cup - like he's taking an inventory of all his goodies.

He's now a runner. If there's open space he'll make a break for it. Its a little more work to be his parent now. Parking lots are the worst. He does not get it that they are dangerous so we have to man-handle him into the car.

The potty training is a frustrating experience. I just think he's not ready. We bought a training potty this weekend and we are keeping it down
stairs so he gets used to sitting on the potty and we hope that once he goes a couple of times just by chance of sitting there, he'll start to make the connection between the feeling and going. So far its not going well. We've let him run around au natural and so far he's peed on the couch and the carpet but not in the potty. In fact he was sitting on the potty for 20 minutes, then got up and peed somewhere else. We've started to bribe him too. If he goes in the potty then he gets a Sally car (she's a character from the movie Cars). Regan is pretty much potty trained so I've gotten a little competitive and want Andrew to be potty trained too. But I think I've just got to relax and let it happen.

Andrew has just moved up into the "Older Two's" class at Kindercare. This was an easy transition since he already knew the teachers and a lot of his friends moved with him.

Andrew has developed a funky squishy-face smile. He whips it out whenever a camera is around, so getting natural photos of Andrew is getting harder. Heres the extra toothy squishy face:

Andrew in motion:

Conquering the big frog at the zoo:

"1 passie, 1 truck, 1 phone..."

1 pretty great kid:


Anonymous said...

You call it the squishy-face smile, I think of it as the planning mild mischief smile. Either way I think the wrinkled up nose is dear.



GeGe said...

We loved our phone call last night - he is going to be a DRIVER.

Mara said...

Don't worry about Regan, girls learn faster, I think we just want to be cleaner and out of those diapers.

Anonymous said...

I think Andrew must be taking his vitamins. Love, Ma

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