For those ofwho haven't stopped by lately, you might be interested to know how Andrew is doing. He's now fabulously 2.25 years old - developing his personality, beginning to make his own decisions (lot's of "No!'s") and starting to express himself a few new phrases:
- "Wass sappening?" - he says this when something a rough happens on T.V. like when the sharks show up in Nemo.
- "You O.K.?" - he says this after you have muffled a curse after tripping on one of his big trucks.
- "Help you" - a.k.a can you come over here and do something for me?
- "Better?" - he says this after you give him kisses on a boo-boo.
- "Blue passie"
- "Yellow passie"
- "Baby passie" - these phrases are pretty self explanatory.
- "Hold on Owen" - whenever Owen's crying in the back seat and we're not quite home yet
Perhaps the most touching speech development is that Andrew has learned to sing Happy Birthday and sang it to his dad on his birthday. I think that was the best gift Eric got :).
Along with figuring out new words, letters and animals, Andrew loves Thomas trains more than ever and loves them almost as much as he loves waffles with syrup. (Don't ever forget the syrup!). Doing things "by myself" is very important. He wants to climb into his car seat by himself, climb onto his booster seat; just about anything is better "by myself".
He's also able to talk about more abstract things instead of just what's here and now. You can talk to him about his day and he will tell you who he played with and what he did. He remembers lots of things. He is still talking about picking strawberries with Grammy K, soccer with Daddy and sharks on the roof. (Our neighbor had an inflatable shark in her roof for a couple of days and Andrew is still talking about it and looking for it.)
Along with figuring out new words, letters and animals, Andrew loves Thomas trains more than ever and loves them almost as much as he loves waffles with syrup. (Don't ever forget the syrup!). Doing things "by myself" is very important. He wants to climb into his car seat by himself, climb onto his booster seat; just about anything is better "by myself".
He's also able to talk about more abstract things instead of just what's here and now. You can talk to him about his day and he will tell you who he played with and what he did. He remembers lots of things. He is still talking about picking strawberries with Grammy K, soccer with Daddy and sharks on the roof. (Our neighbor had an inflatable shark in her roof for a couple of days and Andrew is still talking about it and looking for it.)

Emotionally Andrew is a bit more intense. He's having a harder time lately with the drop off in the mornings at school. I think this will get better when both he AND Owen are dropped off together. Its got to be hard when you know your little brother is going home to hang out with mom all day. Andrew becomes upset when things don't go as he planned. We've learned that his tantrum intensity is inversely related to the length of his nap: Big nap little tantrum, little nap BIG tantrum.
He is the kind of toddler though that we can take to most places and know that his going to behave like a pretty great little kid. He is a very sweet little boy and is still very kissable and huggable. I hope he stays that way forever.
Andrew can come pick strawberries with me any time they are on the bushes! Next year maybe he'd like to see how potatoes grow; not so sweet but fun to grub them up.
Grammy K
PS I'm afraid I'm to blame for the big trucks......
Grammy K
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