We went to the pumpkin patch last weekend. Andrew picked out a pumpkin all by himself. As you can see from the picture at left, he did not take his decision lightly. He was very diligent and took his time in picking the perfect Halloween specimen.
The pumpkin patch we went to has a little great petting zoo and Andrew for the first time was able to get up close and personal to a goat without a meltdown. I think he had a good time in there. The picture below shows Andrew's pumpkin pick (and Leslie before being
on house arrest.)
Andrew's development is right on schedule. His last doctors appointment confirms he is lengthening out and developing typical toddler proportions. Of late, the major developmental explosions have centered around his vocabulary and his mobility. His vocabulary reflects the fact that he is a book lover. He is very happy sitting with mom or dad reading books together. Here are a few of his favorite words and phrases: more, what's that, mama, book, dada, cow, moon, "the sun", night-night, car, bye-bye, truck, apple, banana, shoes, toes, and eyes. He knows a lot more words than he can say. He knows most of his body parts and several animals. Also he can follow directions very well.
He is a very helpful toddler. His favorite chore is to help dad unload the dishwasher. As for mobility, he can now confidently navigate jungle gyms in the park, loves to dive off furniture, and really enjoys doing somersaults. In fact last week, his teachers said he had the whole class doing somersaults during free play outside!
In age appropriate fashion, he has developed a willful side and we've had to institute the "naughty step". When he doesn't get his way (i.e. mommy stops him from launching himself through a window), he does throw a few fists. So immediately he gets sent to the bottom step of the stairs and has to stay there for a minute or two. So far this seems to be helping.
All in all Andrew is a fabulous toddler and a sweet and thoughtful little boy. Stay tuned for more Andrew updates. I am anticipating some very funny pictures as we try to coax him into his zebra Halloween costume!