Owen has been surprising me in so many ways lately. He is exceeding all my hopes for him in Kindergarten. He's a thoughtful and attentive child in class, a total athlete on the playground and has many friends. Scholastically he's doing great, even getting challenge problems in math.
But outside school, this little guy is glued to my hip. The maturity he displays at school isn't mirrored at home. He seems to need lots of extra attention especially at bed time. The whining is at epic levels. And he's been prone to mega-tantrums when he doesn't get his way. (Like we thought he was having a psychotic-break when we left the church carnival too soon for his liking).
As the anxious and overprotective mom that I am, I scour our days for evidence of why he needs so much attention. What isn't he getting? Enough time with me? Enough dad time? The two moves in 6 months? Being a middle child? His wacky 3 hour day? All of the above?
All in all he is doing awesome, and I just hope he outgrows the whininess and tantrums soon. This mama's bag of tricks is empty.