About a month ago, we signed up the boys for Taekwondo. Andrew's enthusiasm for baseball looked like it was waning and I thought he might like this new sport. We tried it and both boys love it! (Andrew has since changed his mind about baseball and now he loves it. We're thrilled).
It's a half hour class of running, kicks and blocks. I think the best part for me is the chore chart the teacher sends home every week. The kids need to complete their chores during the week and if they do, the get a star to sew on to their uniform. Ten stars gets a trophy. It's the best motivation ever! The boys want those trophies!
While the boys are in class, I run around with Sarah outside. She can't keep herself from joining in the class if we stay. It's a good workout for me too!
Another lovely Sunday. After a quick trip to REI for some luggage, we headed to Newport for a late lunch and time at the beach.
Andrew loves crab. So we stopped by the Crab Cooker for a great seafood lunch. This boy surprises me all the time, I can't believe my pickiest eater loves crab. He's a Bridgeman for sure.
After lunch we walked two blocks to the beach. The kids just love it. They kicked off their shoes and ran straight to the surf.