Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm gonna get you!

I'm gonna get you!, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Sarah is now a crawler!


Things are getting busy around here! Andrew started T-Ball last week. The first practice went great! He was especially excited about picking up his uniform on Saturday.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today was a good day.

Today was a good day., originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm a Soccer Mom!

Andrew had his first soccer practice today. He loved it. Phew.

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Rainy Tuesday

The boys started their new schedule this week. Monday, Wednesday, Friday at Kindercare; Tuesday and Thursday with me. Sarah's with me all the time. I think I've mentioned before that I parent by fatigue. Meaning my goal is to get my kids tired so they don't have the energy to behave badly. Mostly this works well, but you have to be careful: it's really easy to shoot right past fatigue and straight into meltdown. Then it's ugly. Last week I pushed it too far and by the end of Owen's tantrum I was threatening to call the police if he didn't get into that &#@$*! car seat! Not one of my finer parenting moments, but it worked!

When I've got all three kids, we are rarely at home, I'm out with them at the playground, park or Santa Ana Zoo. I love the Santa Ana Zoo: there's a playground, train, merry-go-round, animals, and a snack bar. A totally self-contained kid paradise. I'm glad the boys love it too.

We headed out Tuesday morning to the zoo crossing our fingers that it wasn't going to rain on us. It was great day - no meltdowns. Best of all, we're there so often now that the train conductor knows us and gave us two train rides for free!

We got there a little early - I thought it opened at 9am, but no its 10. So we had to wait:
and wait

And wait:
We were a little early for the zoo

The boys held it together and love checking in on the animals they've seen many times before:
Always wanting a better look

Eager Monkeys

The boys were waiting for the train to pass by. I don't have pictures from the train rides. It was too hard to snap a shot and hold Sarah too.
Waiting for the train to pass by

They love the Jeep:

They LOVE the Jeep at the zoo

A really beautiful bird in the rain forest section of the zoo, called the "Scarlet Something" I really should know by now what this is called.
I've seen this bird 1,000 times and all I can tell you about it is that its name starts with "Scarlet ....", brilliant, I know.

Sarah came too!

We got all our fun in before it started raining. Andrew had swimming lessons in the rain later in the afternoon. He thought it was hilarious! No pictures of that either, I needed both hands for keeping Owen from jumping in the pool!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Tub time

Tub time, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Last night was an awesome tub night. These two were having a ball together - no fighting over the tub toys, no pushing because they didn't have enough room. They just played and laughed the whole time.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Thoughtful baby

Thoughtful baby, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Just posting this one because I like the picture.

Sarah and her goodies

Sarah and her goodies, originally uploaded by leslie_capron.

Sarah is a very independent girl! I took this picture this morning before the boys woke up. She's the kind of baby that will let mama read her "news" in the morning while she happily sits on the floor and plays. She is not a snuggler like Owen and likes her space. It is awesome to have this baby as our third baby. Her nature fits her reality. She's the one that often has to wait while I manage her brothers. That she likes playing by herself makes those times so much easier for mama.


Just checking to see if I've successfully unlinked my blog from Facebook. I don't like my blog posts going straight to FB. I don't think everyone cares about my preschool schedule!

Mom, I don't want to do x, y, or z...

We're having a lot of this these days. Poor Owen is not happy with his new schedule. Preschool until noon every day is wrecking him! He never gets a good nap. New schedule starts next week: preschool three days (M, W, F) all day. This way he's sure to get a good nap in. We'll try half days again when the nap isn't as mandatory.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Monday Morning


Kids watching cartoons in the morning. Owen is explaining the finer points of Handy Manny to Sarah. There's a little something special brewing between those two - I think Owen REALLY likes being a big brother.

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