Thursday, September 13, 2007

On the bright side

You all know about the lack of sleep happening here at Casa de Capron, but this morning something happened that made it all worthwhile. So Eric, Owen and I were hanging out in the dark this morning at about 4:00 am just chillin' trying to get Owen to think sleeping for a few more hours would be A GOOD IDEA. Finally at about 5:30 we all fell back to sleep. 5:30 is dangerously close to the actual time we need to wake up in order to not have to bend certain laws of physics to get out the door on time. Predictably we slept through our alarm (which is set on radio mode, I guess we shouldn't expect so much from our NPR station). We finally woke up at 6:40am. By the time we emerged from our sleep comas Andrew was already awake. And I think what actually woke us up was Andrew singing over and over "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,...", he was singing the whole alphabet song to himself, correctly, as in the letters were in the right order! I pretty much exploded from the cuteness right then. See what we would have missed if we got up on time?

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