Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I made a big change at work. I'm now working part-time! I've negotiated an 80% schedule and will work 7:30 am to 2:00 pm. I think this will ensure that the stress level around here remains manageable. I'm very excited about this and the additional time I'll have for family and friends!


Anonymous said...

Good for you! How exciting!


GeGe said...

Good for you. This should take some pressure off. Maybe we will some day fit in those water color classes.

Love, GeGe

Kelly said...

That's great Leslie! Just make sure you leave at 2! I am sure that the boys will be thrilled- whether you pick them up early or use the time to get errands done. You will definitely have more time for family!

Anonymous said...

Love, Ma

Anonymous said...

How wonderful, Leslie!! You'll enjoy it :)


Anonymous said...

yeah Leslie - I am so happy. As someone said - make sure you leave on time - 80% needs to be 80%


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